"Tierkunde" in German This homepage offers hyperlinks to six (predominantly zoological) websites:
"Tierkunde" in German
  • Tier und Natur: on the fauna indigenous to Central Europe and nature conservancy, species and habitats, background information, addresses, literature and hyperlinks
  • ../Pflanzen: A photo catalogue about the plants of Central Europe – forage plants especially for:
  • Wildbienen: on wild bees: solitary bees and (eu)social bees (sweat bees, i.e. Halictus & Lasioglossum spec., and bumble bees)
  • Fledermauskunde: on the bats living in Germany and the neighbouring countries, their biology, status, protection and role in human culture
  • Zebrafinken: on Zebra Finches, a popular Australian estrildid, in the wild and in the aviary, on the Australian wildlife and Aborigines (in German, English and Dutch)
  • plus:

  • Schriftdeutsch: Rechtschreibung und Rechtschreibreform: on German orthography and an unpopular and undemocratic "reform" decreed by the state governments
    – recently also on "gendering"
"Tierkunde" in German "Tierkunde" in German "Tierkunde" in German